Friday 7 December 2012

Symptoms of colon tumor

Tumors in the colon include harmless or cancerous growths in the colon. These public can cause different signs in sufferers. Many sufferers with colorectal masses do not create any signs during the first levels of the disease, according to the Colon Cancer Organization of North america. If signs do create, they are identified by the size and place of the growth. Identification of the warning signs of colon problems can help sufferers seek the proper treatment.

The warning signs of a colon growth can differ considerably from from patient to patient, and rely on the kind and location of the growth. Some sufferers experience few signs or even none at all, and the growth is only found through a schedule colonoscopy. Others experience from changes in bowels, stomach pain, weakling chairs, and other physical signs. A digestive tract growth can be harmless, significance that it is not cancer, or dangerous, significance that it is cancer. A biopsy of the growth is generally the only way to determine which kind it is.

Blood in the stools can indicate the use of a colon tumor, although the use of blood in feces can indicate other conditions, as well. Blood loss from piles or minimal anal crying is usually shiny red, while bleeding from a digestive tract growth is typically deeper and may look like coffee reasons. Certain foods and medicines can simulate the overall look of blood in the chairs, such as iron supplements, beets, and fact : blueberries. Those who suppose that they are moving weakling chairs should contact a doctor instantly to determine their actual cause.
The presence of a colon tumor can cause changes in bowel habits. In some, it can cause loose stools or bouts of diarrhea. In others, it may cause constipation and bowel movements that are difficult to pass. Urge incontinence (accidental bowel movements) or anal leakage can also occur.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer

(1) Pain in the stomach and gastrointestinal symptoms: the majority of patients with colon cancer experience a different level of abdominal pain, such as pain in the stomach, right stomach feels full, nausea, loss of appetite and other symptoms. After dinner there is also a disturbing symptom, which is sometimes accompanied by intermittent diarrhea or constipation, suffered from chronic appendicitis, ileocecal tuberculosis, regional enteritis or lymphoma and other diseases are confusing. It is generally believed that colon cancer is often seen on the right abdomen with pain at the top of the navel; colon cancer is often seen on the left abdomen with pain at the bottom of the navel. If the carcinoid tumor penetrates the intestinal wall and cause local inflammation, or chronic perforation local abscess formation, then the pain will be felt on the part itself.

(2) A lump in the abdomen: generally irregular in shape, surface texture hard, nodular surface. Early-stage colon cancer transverse and sigmoid colon, a lump in the abdomen to move, press will slowly emerge a little pain.

(3) Bowel habit and stool changes shape: the shape of tumor necrosis causing inflammation and infection results. Toxins stimulate the colon that causes a change in bowel habits, by increasing or reducing the rate of bowel movements, sometimes diarrhea with constipation, bowel movements accompanied by abdominal cramps, after defecation abdominal pain subsided.

(4) Anemia and chronic symptoms due to the absorption of toxins: when necrotizing inflammation forms of cancer, there will be light bleeding in the colon, a mixture of blood and feces are usually overlooked by people with colon cancer. However, probably due to severe bleeding, absorption of toxins and nutritional deficiencies, can cause anemia, weight loss, fatigue and other symptoms. Furthermore, colon cancer patients with edema, liver enlargement, ascites, hypoproteinemia, symptoms such as cachexia.

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