Phillips Colon Health is well known in solving the colon problem. This product is designed to be consumed in daily basis.
Phillips Colon Health Uses

Phillips Colon Health Uses
- Probiotic has several types of micro-organisms like saccharomyces boulardii (or known as yeast) and bacteria like lactobacillus, bifidobacterium. These micro-organisms are found in intestines or stomach or vagina.
- Use of antibiotic or much travel can change the balance of yeast. Especially, probiotics are used to enhance digestive system, repair and restore flora to normal condition.
- Probiotics are also used to treat bowel movement problems like diarrhea, IBS, vaginal yeast infections, eczema, lactose intolerance and urinary tract infections.
- Availability: These probiotics are available in natural foods like soy beverages, milk, yogurt, juices and few dietary supplements in the form of capsules, powders and tablets.
- Some of the people try to use these diet supplement products in unlawful by adding harmful additives or impurities. It is suggested to check with pharmacist before use.
- Stomach gas increase or bloating could be the side effect of Phillip colon health. If the effect is consistent then seeking medical help is wise.
- Consult to your doctors if any unlikely side effects occur like high fever, persistent cough and chills.
- Serious allergic reaction is also a part of side effect but very rare. You should be consulting your physician if you feel severe dizziness, swelling on face, throat, and tongue or itching, rash, and trouble breathing.
- These are not the complete list here. Different people may experience different side effects that might not be listed above in this piece of information.
- It is very important for users to understand the risk of using these supplements or any probiotics blindly. Even if you have allergy or any other serious health condition, that can cause harm to your body if not consulted with pharmacist or doctor. The product may contain ingredients that can trigger the allergy reaction to some other problem.
- Here are the few examples, if you have any of these health conditions then consult to your doctor first then use Phillip colon health or other colon cleaning supplements: Diarrhea persistent more than 2 days with high fever, HIV infection, Vaginal infections, Urinary tract infections etc.
- Caution for the people having diabetes, phenylketonuria (PKU), or any other health condition that demands limitation in diet.
- Pregnant women are not suggested to take these supplements unless clearly needed; Consulting positive and negative effects of product.
The health of mine is worse these days. I experience severe issues like bloating, cramping, irregular bowel movements and also been constipated more often. I have been on a good diet and changed my lifestyle patterns too still the problem persists. I want to make my colon health good. Does Philips colon health really work for my issues? I’m desperately needed a good over the counter supplement. Please reply as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteJo Christy, Phillips colon health product is a dietary supplement and it has the probiotics formula. These probiotics are used to treat all colon health issues like constipation, abdominal pain, IBS, diarrhea and vaginal yeast infection. This product can improve the immune system, digestive system and flora will become normal. So you can use this supplement for your colon issues.
ReplyDeleteThese colon issues are nothing new to the people. The foods we are taking these are the main cause either for the constipation issues or the colon complications. I too constipated often these days and was looking for a good colon cleanser that can support my colon cleansing program. Among them I’ve observed Advocare cleanse t be more useful than the other colon cleansing supplements. Though it is not economical I had observed good results using the advocare cleanse . Though not opposing the other colon cleansing supplements, I can say this colon cleansing program helped me to get rid of the various colon issues like bloating, cramping, constipation etc.