Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Foods for Good Colon Health

Why Colon Need To be cared?
Colon is the largest part of the large intestine. It works for absorbing the water content and the nutrients from the passing stools and converts it into the solid dry stools making ready for excretion. Caring the colon benefits the quality of life. An unhealthy colon can be a sign of bad health which includes being a shelter to various non-serious health complications like constipation to a death causing issues like cancer. If the symptoms aren’t noticed like increase of polyps in the colon, it may lead to tumor and later develop into the carcinogen cells. So, doesn’t it look interesting why to care colon? Well, let’s discuss some interesting topics here.

Foods for Good Colon Health
Its a Healthy Meal Time Now!!!
But how we can care for a good colon health?

This is a main barrier for many as they often get halt at this matter. Caring colon for a good health can be done through choosing various methods like switching to the healthy diet which consists of foods that are advantage towards colon, methods like colon irrigation (colon hydration), enemas etc.

Does Food Have Such Capacity?

Well, the answer for this query will be YES!! There are some diet patterns which can be adopted for a good colon health.

Fruits and Vegetables: We already know how much beneficial they are. These are a reliable source of fiber that keeps the colon healthy. Fiber helps the stools in forming a smoother bowel which is easy to pass through the colon and get excreted. More than the cooked form of foods, raw is recommended by most of the health consultants. Raw vegetables provide the necessary enzymes for digestion which also aid in cleansing of the colon. The cooking can destroy these enzyme molecules making them unable to take part in cleansing of colon.

Fiber Foods: As discussed earlier, the role of fiber is vital in cleansing. Whether it may be soluble or insoluble, they are required by the body. Approximately about 25-30 grams of fiber is required by the body. It makes the peristalsis normal and the ease the bowel movement comfortable. The fruits and vegetables are discussed to be a safe and excellent source for fiber. The peas, Brussels sprouts with more than 3-4 grams of fiber per half cup serving. Also kidney beans, black beans and flax seeds are excellent offering of fiber about more than 6 grams per half cup serving.

Water: Drinking adequate water ease the passing of the stools from the body i.e. the excretion. It lubricates the walls of the colon making a comfortable bowel movement. The fiber ingested by the body functions only with the help of water. The fiber absorbs the water and expands its size. Not enough levels of the water content in the body can cause constipation affects. Approximately the recommended limit is eight glasses of water for consumption. Experts also suggest checking the intake of water. More intake of water can make person urinate more times than the normal.

Probiotic Foods: The probiotic foods are vital in maintaining the colon health. The natural flora found in the guts of the colon is very essential as the body and the bacterial flora are found in a symbiotic relation. Fewer colonies of the bacterial flora can make imbalance in the ecological system. Taking probiotics foods like yogurt enhances the colonic health by increasing these colon friendly bacteria. The Lactobacillus bacteria provide the body with essential vitamins and the probiotic foods feed them making more availability of the nutrients to the body.


Sunday, 28 July 2013

Advocare Cleanse Review

People started realizing how important is to conserve the colon and keep it healthy. There are various methods for cleansing the colon like enemas, colon irrigation, supplements etc. The colon cleansing methods may vary but they cater the same need. They benefit in making colon clean and healthy.  There are supplements available around to pick for cleansing the colon by eliminating the toxins and supporting the enhancement of the absorption. These supplements need to be reviewed for knowing their standard. Like such supplements, advocare cleanse is one of them which offers a specific period bound solution for cleansing the colon. Let’s dig the matter.

About the Product:
Advocare Cleanse For Colon

AdvoCare cleanse is a colon cleansing package that supports the user in excluding the toxins, remained debris from the body and enhances the absorption mechanism, energy levels, Immunity and helps the body to lose unwanted weight. There are different products in this package which are included in this 24-day program. By the end of the advocare cleanse program, a user might experience an increase in metabolic process, desirable reduction in weight and a clean colon. This cleansing program regime consists of two phases.
  • Cleanse Phase
  • Max Phase
Cleanse Phase:  The cleanse phase duration is of ten days where it includes herbal cleanse, Omega Plex, AdvoCare Spark. The herbal cleanse helps to cleanse and detoxify the body whereas the omega plex and advocare spark aids the essential fatty acids and enhances the energy. During this period of time, the user should consume the diet which is high in fiber content and the fruits that are low in GI index, lean meats and also the fats that are healthy.  The herbal cleanse is available in citrus, cream and peach flavor.

Max Period:  After cleanse period, the user switches to the max period. Here the max period plan (11-24 days) includes Metabolic Nutrition System, Meal replacement shake and advocare spark. An overall wellness of the colon, increase in energy levels through a controlled diet completes the advocare plan.

  • Presence of two phases
  • A healthy diet is recommended along with this program
  • Existence of various supplements in the package
  • Expensive when compared to other cleansing programs
  • Limited information on website
Final Thought:
The advocare cleanse is high in trend but the price of program being expensive and limited information on the website are the two drawbacks. There are several other supplements which caters the same needs for low cost. Checking with them can be ideal before selecting this cleansing program.
